Friday, November 12, 2010

Football Locker Room: The origin of the Beautiful Game

Hey People, 
This blog is going to give all updates about your Favorite And The Beautiful Game of Soccer.

History Of The Game: n 1863, London Football Association was formed in England. In 1871, FA had almost fifty member clubs. It was the beginning of the football world cup.The first international football match was played between Scotland and England in 1872. Fergus Suter and John Love were the two people who were awarded for their aptitude in football.In 1873, 1875 and 1880 Football Association of Scotland, Wales and Ireland were formed respectively.Gradually, other European countries including Netherlands and Denmark adopted soccer in 1889 and formed their respective football associations. 

In 1891, New Zealand established its first soccer association. In 1893, Argentina formed its soccer association. In 1895, Chile, Switzerland and Belgium formed their soccer teams and established their football associations. Three years later Italy founded their soccer association. The countries that established their presence in the field of soccer include Germany and Uruguay in 1900, Hungary in 1901 and Finland in 1907.

Soccer was formally introduced as an Olympic sport in the 1900 Olympics.

 Want to know more stay tuned folks..... 

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